from his cheek. He felt his slippery nightgown twisted around his thighs which he prudishly straightened.

That gesture caused Jeff to turn over and he wrapped his arms around Tani, spooning him. Tani laid motionless, trying to feign being asleep. Against his silky nighty, Tani could feel Jeff's formidable but soft maleness. There was no comparison to Tani's own small 'sequestered and trivial' organ. Jeff began to stir, his hips making little strokes...more menacing by the stroke.

Jeff didn't ask. He simply took Tani again in a way that required no effort from Tani. Tani was feeling a femininity he had never fancied and he marveled in it. This time it was over quickly, and Jeff again fell asleep.

Breathless, Tani shivered from the experience, much too enchanted to sleep. He was laying there with his belly filled with potent male seed just like women since the beginning of time. The manly essence was alive in his belly.

He felt different. . .he felt contented. That warm feeling which came from his belly served as a constant reminder of his new feminine function.

As Jeff backed out of Tani's driveway late on Sunday morning he was a happy man. Tani, stunned and shaken, hugged the covers on his bed reflecting on what he had done and how naturally it had come to him.

Alone, Tani and the girl in the mirror were in interpreting what "it" meant. Deflowered, Tani saw a new becoming flush to his cheeks. His femininity was becoming impossible to deny. For the first time he truly realized that he was not meant to have a boy's body...he had experienced the feelings of womanhood. He realized that he was so feminine now and could be feminine any time he wanted-perhaps he should correct nature's blooper?

The next day Tani went over to Chris's for sunbathing. Tani had been very secretive about his "date" and didn't even tell his best friend Chris. They had never talked about boys. ..only being girls.

Tani was wearing a new avant garde one-piece tank swimsuit with the new "lingerie" styling. It was royal blue with spaghetti straps and sheer mesh panels at the sides wrapping around to the back. The fairly low neckline was

prettily scalloped. matching blue.


His pumps and tastefulhandbag were

Chris noticed the subtle changes such as the longer nails right away but it took a while to put it together. He looked at Tani's hair-the shining masses, clinging flips and soft waves feminizing him completely. His hair was essentially the basic style which suited Tani so fabulously...but his hairdo was no longer frivolous. His hairdo had a demure, charming simplicity which made him womanly not just woman-like.

He asked, "Tani, you look different. . .I mean softer or something. What else is different? Your hair?"

"Oh nothing," Tani said running his pink tipped fingers over the bodice of his suit, adding with a tease, "or maybe everything." He wasn't sure he should tell his friend that he'd gone too far in playing "girl".

Chris sat up from his lounge chair and took a good look at Tani. As he adjusted the halter top on his navy with white polka-doted bikini, he studied his feminized friend, his eyes searching for something out of place...then he spotted it. A neck hickey, with an atrocious make-up job. Inadequately covered with make-up, it shined through as a badge of "someone's" boldness.

Chris sat up and moved closer, pressing his knees together and announced, "WHO?? A boy did that to you! A BOY! Com'on, what happened!"

"Everything?" Tani tested sheepishly, his cheeks flushed pink at being 'read' so easily. He feared that everyone would know from just looking at him.

Chris squealed, "Oh, you little. . .I must know every detail!" The two boys pushed their chairs closer together and Tani told Chris everything about his date. Chris's eyes wandered over his friends figure for other signs the he was no longer a virgin. Tani's subtle scent was that of a flowering rose, his bare shoulders and the extremely low cut bathing suit left the tops of his pushed up breasts exposed.

Chris hadn't realized so acutely what a slender and feminine body Tani had-also how delightfully feminized he'd become. A dainty diamond necklace hung in the youthful cleavage, matching earrings dangled from his lobes. His eyemakeup was done in mahogany tones, his cheeks cunningly rouged to accentuate his high cheekbones and his lips were painted an alluring pink.